Salmonrivers PRO - The ultimate tool for anglers!

Salmonrivers PRO, which was launched with great success in 2023 and has now undergone a comprehensive update based on user feedback. It is a pleasure to present the app's news for 2024.
🔴 = not yet launched. 🟢 = launched in the app and ready to use!
🟢Fishing Conditions Page (New Feature🎉)
Tailored for salmon fishermen, this page provides detailed information on water flow, water temperature, tides, and water level. You can even compare data from multiple water stations and years in the same graph, which is especially useful for larger rivers like Gaula and Orkla. Water data is sourced from Sildre (NVE), tidal data is sourced from the Kartverket.
Read more by clicking here
🟢Catch trend summary! (New Feature🎉)
We have created a new feature called "summary." It sums up all the highlights for both catches and fishing conditions for you, so you don't have to search through the graphs and statistics!
Read more by clicking here
🟢 Catch Trends (New Feature🎉)
Gain a deeper understanding of catch trends in 167 rivers.. With this feature, you can easily identify optimal conditions based on water flow, tidal level, or water temperature. Perhaps it can give you an advantage when planning your fishing trip? Read more about Catch Trends here!
🟢 Share Catches (New Feature🎉)
You can now share catches from the app. Choose between downloading a picture or sending a link to a fishing buddy. The link takes the user directly to the catch in the app. As a PRO user, you can also include weather and water data in the picture. TRY HERE (mobil)!
🟢 PRO Page (New Feature🎉)
In the menu of your app, as a PRO user, you will now have an overview of the features you have access to, as well as inspiration on how to use them.
🟢🔴 Favorite List (Improvements for 2024)
The favorite list is designed for the user to get as much information as possible on their favorite rivers and beats on one page.
🟢🔴 Profile and Personal catch record (New for 2024)
The Personal catch record was launched in 2023, but new for this year is that all app users can use it. With the ability to add unlimited catches from all watercourses in Norway, including customized watercourses, you will have full control over your fishing history.
🟢🔴 Push Notifications (Improvements for 2024):
Stay updated with new catches by enabling notifications for new catches in your selected beats and rivers. 🔴New for 2024 is that users can manage to receive notifications per catch, daily summary
🟢 Clubs and Rankings (New for 2024)
See what remarks and rankings your catches earn you. For example, the 10kg club or "King of Syltefjord" (largest salmon xx year). With a PRO subscription, you can explore rankings and achievements of other fishermen.
🔴 Activity Page in the App (New for 2024)
Stay updated on what's happening in Elveguiden, from new catch reports, updates, card releases, etc.
🟢 Data on all individual catches (2023)
Access to all available data related to all individual catches reported on the catchstatistiv. Information such as air temperature, tidal level, water flow, water temperature, and water level. Graphical presentations of water flow, water level, tides, and water temperature approximately 12 hours before and after the time of catch.
🟢Discounts with partners - 10%: Book camping accommodation through or the Campio app. Get 10% off.
Oppstrøms - 25% + 3 months free: Subscribe to the fly fishing magazine Oppstrøms.
Kvalitetsfluer - 10%: Purchase quality flies at a discounted price.
(New🎉) - - 20-40%: With Elveguiden PRO, you get access to unique discount codes from As of April 17, 2024, the following discounts are included: (may change slightly)
How to get started with Elveguiden PRO? Open/Download the app by clicking here!

How to get started with Elveguiden PRO? Open/Download the app by clicking here!