Published 14.06.2024

Salmon Steward Campaign

The salmon season has started slowly across Norway, making it especially important to be cautious about harvesting the important large female salmon. As a PRO user, earning the Salmon Steward award means you have caught and released a female salmon over 5 kg. Therefore, we want to run a campaign for all users (both PRO and non-PRO), where you will be rewarded for your efforts towards sustainable fishing!

Campaign period: June 15 - July 15


  • A gift card worth 200 NOK that can be used in the Guideline online store
  • 14 days of free PRO membership

How to participate:

  1. Catch and release a female salmon over 5 kg. Remember to use the correct Catch & Release technique!
  2. Send us an email with the following information:
    • Subject: Salmon Steward Campaign
    • Screenshot: A picture of your qualifying catch from the salmon catches (laksebørs). The screenshot must include the date, weight, gender, and whether the fish was released. (See image for example)

Send the email to:


  • The campaign is only valid for the first 150 people who send an email.
  • Ensure you follow the correct Catch & Release technique to qualify.

Join us in protecting our salmon populations and win great prizes! We look forward to seeing your catch!


Refunds of fishing tickets

Due to the special circumstances, we are currently receiving a very high number of inquiries from fishermen. We are doing our best to respond to everyone in a good manner, but we ask for your understanding that it may take some time before you receive a reply from us.

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Questions regarding closed rivers

Here you can find information about fishing ticket refunds if your fishing is affected by the closure of 33 rivers.

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