Questions regarding closed rivers

Do you have questions regarding the refund of your fishing license due to the news that the Miljødirektoratet is closing 33 of Norway's salmon rivers? We refer to this: link.
We understand that you have questions about a refund for your fishing ticket due to a river closure. Please note that the refund terms are described for each individual fishing beat and are determined by the landowner, not by Elveguiden. The general terms of purchase can be found here: link.
In principle, requests of this kind should be directed to the landowner. Elveguiden will establish a dialogue with the affected landowners so we can better assist both anglers and landowners in this situation. We therefore ask for some patience so we can best assist each case individually.
The duration of the river closures has not been determined yet, and if your fishing trip is some time in the future, it is possible that your trip will not be affected by the current closure. If your fishing trip is already affected, your case will be given priority.
Suggestion: If your fishing trip is between June 23 and July 7 and you want a refund, please send us an email at:, and include your order confirmation for your paid fishing trip. You can either send the order number or attach the PDF file with the confirmation of your purchase.
If your fishing trip is after July 7, we ask that you wait until the Norwegian Environment Agency provides more information about the rest of the season.